How to Decarbonize the Built World

May 17, 2023


Accelerating the Built World's Journey to Net Zero

The built environment is responsible for 40% of global carbon emissions, and 80% of 2050’s building stock already exists.

It means cities, buildings and real estate have a huge role to play in effective climate action.

On May 17, CityAge and SNC-Lavalin are bringing together leaders from across North America to address the policy, technology and investment actions that can help decarbonize existing buildings.

Join us for this important discussion.

Event themes include:



Isabelle Smith

Director - Engineering Net Zero, SNC Lavalin


Sean Pander

Manager of Green and Resilient Buildings, City of Vancouver


Dave Ramslie

COO, OPEN Technologies


Paul Barton

Director, Energy & Sustainability, BGIS


Bala Gnanam

VP - Sustainability, Advocacy & Stakeholder Relations, BOMA Canada


Marlee Kohn

Executive Director, ESG, Starlight Investments


Clark M. Roberts, QC

President & CEO AdvantageBC


Dana Krechowicz

AVP, Sustainable Finance HSBC Bank Canada


Marie-Claude Lavoie

Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management, Concordia University


Fernando Carou

Manager, Renewable Energy & Net-zero Development, City of Toronto


Emily Salzberg

Buildings Unit Managing Director, Washington State Department of Commerce


Zahra Alani

Broadcast Meteorologist & Communications Strategist, CityAge Anchor CityAge


11:00 am

Anchor Welcome & Introduction

11:05 am

Presentation: Isabelle Smith, Director – Engineering Net Zero, SNC Lavalin

11:20 am

Panel 1: Accelerating the Decarbonization of Buildings

Buildings contribute significantly to global CO2 emissions, and are “low-hanging fruit” in the race to reduce building emissions. But it’s still a massive endeavor that requires focus on the highest leverage measures. This panel will explore tools and strategies, such as better data and specific policy measures, to efficiently decarbonize public buildings and make a lasting impact.

  • Sean Pander, Manager of Green and Resilient Buildings, City of Vancouver
  • Fernando Carou, Manager, Renewable Energy & Net-zero Development, City of Toronto
  • Isabelle Smith, Director – Engineering Net Zero, SNC Lavalin
  • Paul Barton, Director, Energy & Sustainability, Brookfield Global Integrated SolutionsPane
  • Chair:  Emily Salzberg, Buildings Unit Managing Director, Washington State Department of Commerce
11:55 am

Presentation: Marie-Claude Lavoie, Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management, Concordia University

12:10 pm

Presentation: Dave Ramslie, CEO, OPEN Technologies

12:55 pm

Panel 2: Tools to Accelerate Private Action

Innovative funding strategies to drive retrofits are essential to drive rapid action toward decarbonization. What is the emerging edge of finance in this sector? How can investors accelerate results, and can we drive massive job growth at the intersection of green finance and building trades?

  • Bala Gnanam, VP Sustainability, Advocacy & Stakeholder Relations, BOMA Canada
  • Marlee Kohn, Executive Director, ESG, Starlight Investments
  • Dana Krechowicz, AVP, Sustainable Finance, HSBC Bank Canada
  • Colin Guldimann, Senior Economist, RBC Climate Action Institute
  • Panel Chair: Clark Roberts, President & CEO, AdvantageBC
1:00 pm

Event close