Fighting Climate Change with Data

May 17, 2022

Climate Change: The Existential Crisis of Our Time

Climate change is an acute crisis of our time — innovations in data are essential to solve it. Public and private data sets, and the digital tools and financial incentives they make possible, are critical to reducing Canada’s carbon emissions. 

Canada’s business and government leaders are establishing data protocols to accurately and transparently monitor and reduce emissions — accelerating the path to Net Zero while building a prosperous green economy. 

A particularly exciting opportunity in this sector is the use of new climate data tools to drive sustainability in real estate and the built world. This session will explore the new protocols emerging to link financial tools with sustainability targets that can accelerate decarbonization of the built world. 

On May 17, CityAge brought together industry leaders for The Data Effect to explore how data will help us fight climate change and meet ESG goals, starting now

Part of The Data Effect Series 2022 in Partnership With



Angie Hall

Head of Sustainable Finance, Commercial Banking HSBC


Bruce Ralston

Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Province of British Columbia


Malcolm Shield

Vice President, Sustainability Wesgroup Properties


Clark M. Roberts, QC

President & CEO AdvantageBC


Aimo ​​Kõva

Head of International Operations Datel


Laura Zizzo

Co-Founder & CEO Manifest Climate


Daniel O’Brien

Partner, Sustainability and Climate Change PwC Canada


Kevin Gurney

Professor | Co-founder & CTO Northern Arizona University | Crosswalk Labs


Jay Milroy

Director of Product Management Llamazoo


Sydney Goodfellow

Director Digital Learning Lab


Patrika McEvoy

Technical Coordinator Early Earthquake Warning Community, Coastal First Nations


11:30 am

Anchor Welcome and Introduction

11:35 am

Opening Presentation by: Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines,

11:45 am

Presentation: Clark Roberts, QC, President & CEO, AdvantageBC

11:55 am

Presentation: Aimo Kova, Head of International Operations, Datel

12:05 pm

Presentation: Kevin Gurney, Professor, Northern Arizona, University and Co-founder & CTO, Crosswalk Labs  

12:15 pm

Panel 1: Coastal First Nations Connectivity Network

  • Jay Milroy, Director of Product Management, Llamazoo
  • Sydney Goodfellow, Director, Digital Learning Lab
12:40 pm

Presentation: Malcolm Shield, Vice President, Sustainability, Wesgroup

12:50 pm

Panel 2: Tools to Finance the Green Transition

New sources of geospatial data are making it easier to monitor carbon emissions, while new protocols that tie loans and equity markets to sustainability targets are emerging. This represents a major financial opportunity for Canadian firms if approached properly. We’ll look at how Canada can be a global leader in using green finance to build a new economy, with focus on urban real estate and construction.

  • Malcolm Shield, Vice President, Sustainability, Wesgroup
  • Laura Zizzo, Co-Founder & CEO, Manifest Climate
  • Daniel O’Brien, Partner, Sustainability and Climate Change, PwC Canada
  • Clark Roberts, Executive Director, AdvantageBC
  • Panel Chair: Angie Hall, Head of Sustainable Finance, Commercial Banking, HSBC
1:30 pm

Event Close

Agenda times and items are subject to change.