Fast Track Cities: Building Sustainable Supply Chains

February 15, 2024


With support from

Building Sustainable Supply Chains for a Net Zero Future

Cities across Canada are working harder than ever to meet climate action goals, from decarbonization to improving infrastructure sustainability. Much of this work focuses on innovating the way people move across cities. An often overlooked challenge is how can cities build sustainable, Net Zero supply chains that include the raw materials, finished products and other goods.

With our partners at Communitech, we’re addressing the challenges cities currently face in moving goods sustainably, efficiently and economically. We’ll be talking about a broad spectrum of innovations  for last-mile delivery, from drones to autonomous vehicles to micro-fulfillment centers.

‍Join us at Fast Track Cities: Building Sustainable Supply Chains with leaders from the public and private sectors for a 90-minute digital event focusing on how supply chain innovations will help get us to a Net Zero future. 


CEO, Pentavere

Co-founder and COO, Signal 1

Vice President - Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Unity Health Toronto

Education Lead, Temerty Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education in Medicine (T-CAIREM)

Former General Counsel, Chief Data Governance and Privacy Officer at Vancouver Coastal Health

Executive Director, Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, CIFAR

President, Alexynn Group

Customer Engineer - Public Sector & Healthcare, Google Cloud

Chief Technology Officer, Government of Ontario

With support from


11:30 am

Host Welcome and Introduction

11:35 am

 Opening Presentation: The Changing Dynamics of Smart Supply Chain

Uncover the future of smart supply chains, integrating novel technologies like drones and e-cargo bikes, while examining the pivotal role of urban planning in synchronizing schedules, systems, and loading zones for efficient goods and people movement.

  • Speaker : Timothy Papandreou, Founder and CEO, ETA Advisors  

11:50 am

Fireside chat:  Ethical Tech in the Public Space

Ethical AI implementation is critical when planning the future of the supply chain. Join the conversation on navigating how to responsibly increase technology use in public spaces for the benefit of governments, businesses, and municipalities.

  • Jean-Simon Venne, CTO and Co-Founder, BrainBox AI 
  • Shingai Manjengwa, Head of AI Education, Chain ML 
  • Moderator: Somaieh Nikpoor, Lead Data Science and AI Strategy, Transport Canada 

12:15 pm

Panel: Transforming Last-Mile Delivery: Sustainable and Efficient Innovations

What is the future of last-mile delivery? Join our panel to hear about practical approaches for sustainability and efficiency in the final stretch of supply chains. 

  • Karthik Srinivasan, MBA, Manager – Transportation & Asset Disposal, CPKC
  • Usman Ahmed, Postdoctoral Fellow, City Logistics for the Urban Economy, University of Toronto
  • Dariusz Grabka, Head of Purolator’s Digital Lab, Purolator
  • Moderator: Homeira Afshar, Research and Insights Analyst, Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network

12:50 pm

Closing Comments by Communitech 

Find out more about Communitech’s Fast Track Cities program and how to join the next cycle focused on supply chain.

  • Carleigh Johnston, Program Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Communitech

1:00 pm

Event Conclusion