Electrify: Transportation
October 20, 2022
Electrifying the nation’s transportation system is a systemic shift. Getting it right demands smart public-private collaboration.
Electrifying the nation’s transportation system is a systemic shift. Getting it right demands smart public-private collaboration.
Electrification is driving major changes: from a transition to clean sources of energy at source, to the creation of vast new charging infrastructure, to the transition of how we power major fleets, to a digitized, two-way electric grid powered by distributed resources.
Each of these trends is seeing huge capital investment and new deployment of technology, and each requires smart public-private collaboration to succeed.
On October 20, join CityAge, with the support of White & Case, as we dive into how to structure the emerging industrial and public-private partnerships shaping this exciting sector.
Event Themes Include:
- How to prioritize interoperability between vehicles and charging systems
- Ensuring the strategic and equitable placement of charging stations
- Strategies to best finance the transition with public and private funds
- Maintaining regular fleet operations throughout the transition
- Identifying the most impactful and cost-effective investments in grid modernization and distributed energy resources
- How to drive partnership between transportation agencies and public utilities
- How to monitor performance of new charging infrastructure and collect data to inform future plans


Tomika Monterville
Director, City of San Antonio Department of Transportation

Michele Mueller
Project Manager for Connected, Automated, and Electrified Vehicles (CAEV), Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)

Randy Satterfield
Principal, NextGen Highways

Dolly Mirchandani Partner
White & Case

Earl Lewis
Deputy Secretary for Policy, Planning, & Enterprise Service, Maryland DOT

Casey Brown
Executive Director & President, Evolve Houston

Andrew Bui
Vice President, Transportation Innovation, AECOM

Miles Muller
Attorney, NRDC

Simon Baker
Director, Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Division, CPUC

Zahra Alani
Broadcast Meteorologist & Communications Strategist, CityAge Anchor CityAge
Anchor Welcome & Introduction
Opening Presentation by: Casey Brown, Executive Director & President, Evolve Houston
Panel 1: Public-Private Collaboration of the Future
Public-private partnerships are driving the electrification of transportation. How are the most effective partnerships structured and managed? We’ll discuss strategies to most effectively finance, test, implement, and scale new infrastructure with equity at the forefront.
- Michele Mueller, Sr. Project Manager, Connected and Automated Vehicles, Michigan Department of Transportation
- Randy Satterfield, Principal, NextGen Highways
- Earl Lewis, Deputy Secretary for Policy, Planning, & Enterprise Services, Maryland DOT
- Panel Host: Dolly Mirchandani, Partner, White & Case
Panel 2: Equitable and Strategic: How to Distribute Charging Infrastructure
EV-charging infrastructure has far reaching implications for regional equity and social fabric. How can utilities, transportation agencies, industry leaders, and users collaborate to ensure the equitable and strategic distribution of charging stations?
- Tomika Monterville, Director of Transportation, City of San Antonio, TX
- Simon Baker, Director, Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Division, California Public Utilities Commission
- Andrew Bui, Vice President, Transportation Innovation, AECOM
- Panel Host: Miles Muller, Attorney, Climate & Clean Energy Program, NRDC