Decarbonizing America’s Urban Hubs

May 22, 2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT Digital event


The United States is a nation with a wide range of large-scale facilities where thousands of people gather – stadiums, arenas, convention centers, universities, hospitals and urban entertainment districts, to name a few.

There is now a public and local market expectation that these large building complexes demonstrate strategies to reduce their carbon footprints. This entails rapid but well thought out roadmaps to decarbonize their  footprint.

On May 22, CityAge, along with Shell Energy, is bringing together a select group of America’s leaders in urban hubs and lower-carbon solutions to look at how this important sector  is working towards a lower-carbon future. We will discuss success stories, challenges and collaboration opportunities for decarbonizing urban hubs via cleaner mobility and power solutions – featuring companies and stakeholders in every step of their decarbonization journey.

This free event, supported by Shell Energy, is part of our CityAge 2024 campaign to look at North America’s transition to a lower-carbon future.

Themes Include:


Anna Lowe
Zero Emissions Vehicles Program Manager, City of San Diego

Lana Ramirez
General Manager, Facilities, Shell Energy Stadium and Houston Sports Park Houston Dynamo FC

Mohit Mehta
Global Head of Sustainability, Populous

Salim Morsy
Head of e-Mobility Market Development, Shell

Luke Getto
Director of Technical Market Development, VoltServer

Lindsay Arell
CEO, Honeycomb Strategies

Cris Liban
Chief Sustainability Officer, LA Metro

Monte Goodell
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Renewable Energy Institute

John Hall President/Chief Executive Officer, Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)

Chris Kaiser
Senior Sales Manager, Shell Energy

Sofi Armenakian
Head of Sustainability, Atlanta Hawks & State Farm Arena

Jennifer Gunby
Senior Manager, State & Local Advocacy, U.S Green Business Council


10:00 am

Anchor Welcome & Introduction by CityAge MC

10:05 am

Fireside Chat |  Starting the Decarbonization Journey: Benchmarking, Measuring Consumption and Carbon

  • Lindsay Arell, CEO, Honeycomb Strategies
  • Mohit Mehta, Global Head of Sustainability, Populous
    • Moderated by: Naomi Parness, CityAge MC

10:25 am

Panel 1 | Decarbonization Pathways: Efficiency & Renewables for Facilities

This panel will explore the journey toward decarbonization in large urban facilities focusing on the synergy between efficiency enhancements and the adoption of renewable energy. We’ll examine how entities in American cities are reducing carbon emissions through these strategies. Learn about the integration of renewables into existing assets, fuel switching, and more in this panel discussion. 

  • Cris Liban, Chief Sustainability Officer, LA Metro
  • Monte Goodell, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Renewable Energy Institute
  • Sofi Armenakian, Head of Sustainability, Atlanta Hawks & State Farm Arena
    • Moderator: Jennifer Gunby, Senior Manager, State & Local Advocacy, U.S Green Business Council


11:00 am

Fireside Chat |Enabling Greener and More Resilient EV-Ready Facilities 

Join us for a fireside chat on enabling greener, more resilient, EV-ready facilities. Explore innovative strategies and solutions driving sustainability in infrastructure and fostering electric vehicle adoption.

  • Anna Lowe, Program Manager, Zero Emissions Vehicles, Sustainability and Mobility Department, City of San Diego
  • Lana Ramirez, General Manager, Facilities, Shell Energy Stadium

11:20 am

Panel 2 | Deepening the Journey – Onsite Solutions: Solar, Storage and Charging

Explore the next phase of the sustainability journey with a focus on onsite solutions: solar, storage, and charging infrastructure. Discover how these technologies are revolutionizing energy management, driving sustainability, and enabling electric vehicle (EV) adoption.

  • Salim Morsy, Head of e-Mobility Market Development, Shell
  • Luke Getto, Director of Technical Market Development, Voltserver
  • Chris Kaiser, Director, Solution Sales at Shell Energy
    • Moderator: John Hall, President & CEO, HARC

11:55 am

Event Conclusion