CityAge: Vancouver
The Next Million
November 23, 2022
8:30 am - 1:30 pm (PT)
In-Person | The Vancouver Club | Vancouver, B.C

Metro Vancouver, the Lower Mainland and the South Island have long had a reputation for our commitment to livability and sustainability.
But that may soon be a myth. With the population projected to grow from 2.8 million to more than 4 million people by 2050, we need to act now.
We need dramatic investments in smart infrastructure, health care and decarbonization strategies and technologies.
CityAge: Vancouver will bring together the ideas and people — from here and beyond — who are preparing for the urban population boom and the housing, mobility and sustainability challenges on the near horizon.
Be one of the leaders in getting ready for the future that’s already here.
The Next Million is brought to you by:

- Canada’s Urban Boom: There will be more than a million new residents in the Lower Mainland by 2050 – how do we create housing that will meet the need while uniting, not dividing, us?
- Homelessness, Housing and Affordability: New ideas for an old challenge that must be solved.
- The New Developers: How First Nations are leading the future development and sustainability of BC and Canada.
- Biodiverse Cities: Why increasing biodiversity is such a vital component of Vancouver’s urban growth strategy, and how we can regenerate nature in our cities even as our populations grow
- Health Cities: Metro Vancouver, with the new St. Pauls and other investments in biotech and healthcare, is emerging as a hub of excellence in health research and delivery. What does the future hold?
- Planes, trains and automobiles (plus drones, e-planes and high-speed rail): Metro Vancouver is about to make historic investment in new infrastructure. What are the projects and opportunities on the horizon?
- Decarbonize Vancouver: The move toward EV's, green hydrogen and battery storage systems that will reduce cities’ carbon emissions.
- Smart Infrastructure: From smart transit to climate-ready smart infrastructure, a look at the tech-enabled infrastructure to make Metro Vancouver and other BC cities best-in-class innovators.
- The City that’s Solving Homelessness: A guest appearance by Houston, who have created 25,000 homes for the homeless through an innovative strategy

Mark Schaan
Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategy and Innovation Policy Sector, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada / Government of Canada

Ima Okonny
Chief Data Officer, Assistant Deputy Minister Employment and Social Development Canada

Colin Deacon
Independent Senator for Nova Scotia, Senate of Canada

Chris Daoust
Head of Customer Engineering - Public Sector, Healthcare and Higher Education (Canada), Google

Ashley Casovan
Executive Director, Responsible AI Institute

Stephen Burt
Chief Data Officer of Canada, Treasury Board of Canada

Arrival Coffee & Registration
Welcoming Remarks
Opening Comments
- Mike Klassen, Councillor, on behalf of Mayor Ken Sim, City of
- Kevin Quinn, CEO, Translink
- Christine Bergeron, CEO, Vancity
Panel: The New Developers
Learn from the perspective of the city’s newest – and most exciting – development projects.
- Mindy Wight, CEO, Nch’ḵaỷ Development Corporation
- David Negrin, CEO, MST Development Corporation
- Brenda Knights, CEO, Vancouver Native Housing Society
- Panel Chair: Bob Rennie, Founder, Rennie Group
- Linda Buchanan, Mayor of North Vancouver and Vice-Chair, Metro Vancouver
- Marc Eichenbaum, Special Assistant to the Mayor for Homeless Initiatives, City of Houston
- Saharnaz Mirzazad, Chief Deputy Director of Climate and Planning, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, State of California
Morning Break
- Julian Somers, Distinguished Professor in Health Science, Simon Fraser University
- Dan Watson, Senior Market Manager, Smart City, Telus BUSINESS
Panel: Planning for Growth: How to Sustainably Add the Next Million
How can the Metro Vancouver region become more sustainable – and provide more mobility options, as it expands by at least a million more residents over the next few decades?
- Jerry Dobrovolny, Chief Administrative Officer, Metro Vancouver
- Malcolm Shield, Vice President, Sustainability, Wesgroup Properties
- Sandra Phillips, Founder & CEO, Movmi
- Panel Chair: Harold Munro, Editor-in-Chief Vancouver Sun
Panel: The New Economic Density
Vancouver’s False Creek Flats – with a new hospital, fast growing tech firms, and major development potential – offers the opportunity for a new model of economic density that cities around the world can learn from. How can this part of the city provide direction in how to build for the Next Million?
- David Thom, President, Arcadis IBI Group
- Avtar Bains, President, Premise Properties
- Larry Beasley, Founder, Beasley & Associates Planning
- Panel Chair: Jane Bird, Senior Business Advisor, Bennett Jones
Lunch & Reception