Building a complete American neighbourhood
February 17, 2022
How technology is connecting communities and schools
America’s neighborhoods are the heart of its cities. They are the barometers of the nation’s health, dynamism and future.
Now it’s time to make every American neighborhood a complete neighborhood. That means prioritizing equity by infusing communities with better access to opportunity, especially historically underserved communities of color.
That’s why the second event in our series on the Complete American Neighborhood will look at San Jose, and how its neighborhoods and leaders are building a new livability around Silicon Valley’s global innovation powerhouse.
And, crucially – complete neighborhoods provide opportunities in the innovation economy – the force behind new jobs and opportunities for every American.
Building a Complete American Neighborhood rests on four pillars: equity, community, education and work. They’re a 15 Minute City, they have schools at the center of their community, their urban space provides easy access to daily necessities, and they offer life-long learning for all residents.
Catalyzed by Reimagine America’s Schools (a program of the National Design Alliance), the Siegel Family Endowment and CityAge, The Complete American Neighborhood seeked to launch a regional and national dialogue on how to ensure every community has an opportunity to build more complete, inclusive, and innovative neighborhoods.
A CityAge and ReImagine America's Schools digital event in association with


Libby Schaaf
Mayor Oakland, CA

Ron Bogle
President & CEO | Team Leader National Design Alliance | Reimagine America’s Schools

Ted Landsmark
Director, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University

Leo Gonzales
Director of Education HKS

Katy Knight
Executive Director Siegel Family Endowment

Deborah McKoy
Executive Director, Centers for Cities & Schools UC Berkeley

Rosalynn Hughey
Deputy City Manager San Jose

Kip Harkness
Deputy City Manage City of San Jose
Anchor Welcome & Introduction
Opening Comments: Katy Knight, Executive Director, Siegel Family Endowment
Introduction: Ron Bogle, Reimagine America’s Schools
Opening Presentation: Ron Bogle, Reimagine America’s Schools
Insights from: Libby Schaaf, Mayor, Oakland, CA & Ted Landsmark, Director, Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Northeastern University
Panel: Schools at the Center of Community
A strong school is central to building a complete neighborhood, in addition to multi-dimensional infrastructure that includes physical, digital and social assets. What new ideas, technologies, and policies are helping community and education leaders support students — as well as people of all ages — build new skills as our economy retools? And how can a community come together to build infrastructure that supports residents and learners of all ages in accessing opportunities to learn, work, and connect with each other?
- Deborah McKoy, Executive Director, Centers for Cities & Schools, UC Berkeley
- Rosalynn Hughey, Deputy City Manager, San Jose
- Kip Harkness, City Innovator, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, Harvard University
- Leo Gonzalez Sangri, Director of Education, HKS
- Jill Bourne, City Librarian, San Jose Public Library
- Moderator: Ron Bogle, Reimagine America’s Schools