AI & The Future of Food

January 21, 2021 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PT
Digital Event

AI & The Future Of Food

The world needs to produce more food in the next 50 years than in the prior 10,000, at a time when climate change and urbanization are making our crops less productive.

Fortunately, a new digital revolution is underway in agriculture. The future of food is being transformed by the convergence of data science, AI and genomics.

Canada can be a leader in this new green revolution. This session will look at AI’s impact on the future of food, and how we can use our national AI strengths to bolster our position as a global food leader.

Event Sponsors
Series Event Sponsors Include:



Dr. Malcolm M. Campbell

Vice-President (Research) University of Guelph


Crys Vanier

Executive Director, Post Secondary Investments & Emerging Technologies, Alberta Innovates


Rickey Yada

Academic Dean , University of British Columbia Faculty of Land and Food Systems


Michael Gibbons

Co-Founder Provision Analytics


Annett Rozek

Chief Scientific Officer Terramera


Dawn Trautman

Manager, Smart Agriculture and Food Innovation Alberta Innovates


Joy Agnew

Associate VP, Applied Research Olds College


Naomi Parness

Anchor, CityAge Founder, The Narrative Agency