Shaping the Future of Los Angeles

CityAge proudly returned to Los Angeles on May 25, gathering a diverse group of more than 120 visionaries and experts. Through panels, presentations, breakout discussions and Q&A, the event highlighted how LA and its region could lead the way in shaping the cities of tomorrow. The half-day summit focused on reimagining transit and mobility through […]

The Data Vancouver: Our Health Data Opportunity Summary Report

During The Data Effect Vancouver: Our Health Data Opportunity, CityAge went beyond traditional presentations and panels by hosting engaging breakout sessions, conducted under the Chatham House Rule, to foster in-depth conversations and generate a comprehensive list of priorities specifically tailored to Vancouver and British Columbia. By encouraging group participation and networking, the breakout session ensured […]

AI Leader: Cities Need to “Do Good Data” By Felim Donnelly

Vancouver — In the cult classic sci-fi film, Blade Runner, by 2019 synthetic robot humans are roaming the earth. Although we aren’t living the future Blade Runner envisioned, AI is becoming ubiquitous through huge investments worldwide in artificial intelligence. In light of this advancement, what steps can cities take to ensure they’re not left behind by […]

The New Chicago: The Top 5 Reasons It’s An Important Moment for the Windy City

CHICAGO — Chicago hasn’t had an easy decade: Exploding murder rates, water contaminated with lead and growing inequity between the haves and have-nots are just a few of the things hitting this iconic city brand. But Chicago — a city with a history and robust mix of venues, arts and public spaces that only a […]

Daniel Libeskind: From Ground Zero to The Future American City

NEW YORK — Architectural innovator Daniel Libeskind is no stranger to outside-the-box thinking — and building. As the designer of the rebuilt World Trade Center’s master plan, he’s also uniquely equipped to inspire other architects and builders on what it takes to create the future American city. “Architecture is a poetic discipline,” Libeskind told CityAge. […]

Scrubbing Carbon

Say hello to carbon killer Emma Stewart. She’s the latest person we know on the cutting edge of an industry that simply isn’t going away: scrubbing carbon out of almost everything we do, particularly in cities. We’ve known Emma for years and caught up with her this week. As the newest ambassador and head of campus and […]

Inside the Mind of Quentin Messer, leading the future of New Orleans

New Orleans’ Secrets for taking on COVID-19 and Bouncing Back — Yet Again. From floods and hurricanes to oil spills and now COVID-19, New Orleans is no stranger to a crisis — it is a city that just keeps evolving. With the pandemic now hitting an already tenuous economy, Quentin Messer, President and CEO at […]

The CityAge Cube

We want to introduce you to The CityAge Cube — a new way of meeting that launches Dec. 9th on a computer, laptop or tablet near you.. When the pandemic hit, CityAge had a bit of an existential crisis. Who didn’t? We’ve long been an organization that brings together people to meet and exchange ideas. […]

CrossOver: AI — CityAge Explores Artificial Intelligence for 2020

Crossover: AI — Artificial Intelligence Perspective for 2021 CrossOver: AI 2020  kicked off on December 9th with The Great Acceleration. With over 500 registrants, we gathered in our brand new CityAge Cube for a discussion focused on how the pandemic has accelerated the pace of digital change. Our all-star group of speakers spoke to how now […]

Think it Was Crowded Before? Just Wait for the Post-Pandemic’s Mega Crowds

Our post-pandemic future will bring us together like never before — with gatherings in the tens of millions, predict some of the world’s experts in design and events. That’s the vision of Michael Lockwood, an architect at Populous, outlined at CityAge’s Bringing the Crowds Back. Technology has historically changed the dynamics of human gathering, he said, from […]