Q&A with Dr. Jonathan Reichental

Dr. Jonathan Reichental is the founder of Human Future, a global business and technology advisory, investment, and education firm. He’s also the author of Smart Cities for Dummies and, more recently, Data Governance for Dummies. He was also CIO of the City of Palo Alto for seven years. We caught up with Jonathan to talk […]
Q&A with Kim Williams

Kim Williams, Chief Innovation Officer for the Metro Transit Authority of Harris County, on shifting people’s perception of public transit, what transit users really want, and public transit’s role in keeping our cities working. Williams will be a speaker at the CityAge Houston: Decarbonizing America’s Energy Capital Digital Event on June 27. CityAge: What value does the […]
Q&A with Tomika Monterville

Tomika Monterville is San Antonio’s Director of Transportation. We sat down with Tomika to chat about where the Texas city stands in its roll-out of EV charging stations, its Vision Zero efforts, and what else she’s excited about when it comes to the future of mobility. CityAge: You have over 2 decades of experience working […]
Something In the Water: Black & Veatch 2021 Water Report says industry is at a crossroads

America’s water industry survived the Covid-19 pandemic by turning to new technology and adapting to the accelerated speed of change. Now it needs to do the same thing in response to the climate crisis. That’s the view of Black & Veatch’s 2021 Water Report. The pandemic forced water utilities to innovate and move operations online like […]
America’s Architects Struggling to Build Carbon-Neutral Buildings

By Jessica Peralta IRVINE, California — Only 16 of 252 architecture met the 2030 Challenge from the American Institute of Architects to meet carbon-reduction targets to combat climate change. “The findings of this new report underscore why it is imperative that the AIA make climate change a No. 1 priority,” said AIA EVP/Chief Executive Officer […]
CityAge Speaker Says Affordable Housing is a $2.5-Trillion Opportunity

CHICAGO — As Chicago continues its struggle with an affordable housing deficit, a local manufacturing and construction firm sees a market opportunity in building homes for low-income residents. Timothy Swanson, chief design officer at Chicago-based Skender, told CityAge the United States has a 7.1 million shortage of affordable housing, translating into $2.5 trillion in housing […]
Advice from Arlington Mayor Jeff Williams

On June 25 CityAge and New Orleans CityBusiness are running special webinar on the future of America’s major entertainment districts, offering strategies to reopen America’s destination districts. This is a lightly edited conversation with Mayor Jeff Williams of Arlington, Texas, on how his city is taking on the COVID19 pandemic. For more insights from national […]
COVID19 Testing Centers for The French Quarter Should Be Part of The New Normal

CityAge caught up with Black and Veatch’s Clinton Robinson ahead of his presentation at CityAge: Bringing Back The French Quarter on June 25. CityAge: Have you seen anything like COVID19 in your career? Clint Robinson: I’ve been at Black and Veatch for 36 years. I have not. I’ve seen some service interruptions, of course, because since we […]