CityAge Purpose

Welcome To The Urban Planet

CityAge believes in helping humanity build our Urban Planet.

What’s The Urban Planet? 


The vast majority of people (about six billion and counting) now live in or around cities. That’s on just three per cent of the planet.

Yet three quarters or more of the world’s resources — think energy, water, food, computing power  — are consumed by our Urban Planet. And more than 70 percent of our carbon footprint is created by those cities, or the systems that make them work.

It means how we build — and rebuild — our Urban Planet determines our future.

CityAge brings together people of all ages and backgrounds with the ideas, technologies, investments and expertise to build our Urban Planet. We do that through the indomitable power of human connection — with thought leadership campaigns, brand building, content creation and meetings that bring us together.

We live in the Age of Cities. CityAge welcomes you to be part of it — and build the future of our Urban Planet.

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