The Data Effect
Data for Canada’s Health
December 8, 2022
8 am - 1:30 pm (ET)
In-Person | The Rideau Club, Ottawa
How can we integrate Canada’s data systems to take the lead in health care?
The pandemic proved Canada’s health care system can — and must continue — to share data to deliver the best services for Canadians.
On December 8, The Data Effect will bring together 100 of Canada’s public and private leadership in Ottawa with the expertise to continue advances in health data sharing.
As the Chief Public Health Officer’s most recent report put it, we have a clear challenge: “in Canada, we are still working with multiple independent data systems that do not speak or connect with each other… One key step will be to establish an interoperable system that facilitates the linking and pooling of data from various sources, including epidemiological, clinical, and administrative data”.
There are rapidly emerging new tools to meet the mission of fully using our health-care data resources — all of which make new tools like AI more impactful. Each requires a mix of technology and leadership by our data stewards at the provincial, federal level, as well in doctors’ offices..
For the past decade, The Data Effect has been assembling Canada’s leaders on the cutting edge of how to use data for the public good.
Building off our recent public research and summary report on dialogue, this event in our nation’s capital will focus on how we can marry new policy and technologies to leverage public and private health care data to benefit all Canadians.
Scientific Director, Fonds de recherche du QC - Santé
Chief Data Officer and Director General - Data Management, Analysis and Innovation, Public Health Agency of Canada
Strategic Business Executive and Scientist, Google Public Sector, Health and Science
SVP & General Manager, Replica Analytics Canada Research Chair in Medical AI, University of Ottawa
Amy Yee
Chief Digital Transformation Officer and SVP, SE Health
Anil Arora
Canada's Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada
samira Ahmadi
Healthcare AI/Analytics Lead, Public Sector Customer Engineering Team, Google Cloud
Gordon Jolly
Executive Director, Genomic Surveillance Systems, Public Health Agency of Canada
Christine Minas
Executive Director, Chief Data Office, Health Canada
Fiona Brinkman
Distinguished Professor, Simon Fraser University
Kumanan Wilson
Interim CEO and Chief Scientific Officer, Bruyere Research Institute
Erin Corston
Director and Executive Lead, National Data Champion Team, First Nations Information Governance Centre
Koko Bate Agborsangaya
Director, Strategic Programs, Genome Canada
Celio Oliveira
Lead Data Scientist, Health Canada
Mel Krajden
Former Medical Director, BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory & Professor, Path and Lab Medicine, UBC
Conference MC Director of Strategic Initiatives, Ottawa Board of Trade
What to Expect:
- Integrating Data: How to responsibly integrate data from varying sources in Canada (including non-health sources), to improve health research and care?
- New Ideas and Tech: Opportunities to advance capabilities in synthetic data, data visiting and other emerging technologies and practices
- Data Agility: How public health can be fast and adaptive, especially in response to major risks like future pandemics
- Change Management: Policy, technology or governance - which is most important - or how can they be combined - to improve health outcomes?
- Accountability, Sovereignty, and Health Data: Privacy-minded health rules for the digital age
- Artificial Intelligence: How can we best leverage ethical AI in transforming Canadian health?
Arrival Coffee
Welcome by Conference MC: Heather Bakkan, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Ottawa Board of Trade
- Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada
Panel: The Added Value of Connected Data
If there is broad agreement that connecting data sets can serve the public good and Canada’s public health – how do we prove it? How has COVID-19 highlighted the challenges and opportunities of connected data and analysis, and what needs to happen next?
- Gordon Jolly, Executive Director, Genomic Surveillance Systems, PHAC
- Fiona Brinkman, Distinguished Professor, Simon Fraser University
- Mel Krajden, Medical Microbiologist, Special Projects, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
- Panel Chair: Koko Bate Agborsangaya, Director, Strategic Programs, Genome Canada
- Michelle Holko, Strategic Business Executive and Scientist, Google Public Sector, Health and Science
Presentation: Responsible Access to Health Data Using Synthetic Data Generation
- Khaled El Emam, SVP & General Manager, Canada Research Chair in Medical AI, Replica Analytics and University of Ottawa
Morning Break
Panel: Data Stewardship, Services and Sharing: and the road to a
stronger public health data ecosystem
Our world is both more connected, and more fractured, than ever. Our systems and people create more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, yet our ability to use it to improve our quality of life and our environment is siloed and happens in fits and starts. How might we use the foundations of stewardship, service and sharing to spark and inspire an ecosystem approach to public health?
- Christopher Allison, Director General and Chief Data Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada
- Khaled El Emam, SVP & General Manager, Canada Research Chair in Medical AI, Replica Analytics and University of Ottawa
- Kumanan Wilson, Interim CEO and Chief Scientific Officer, Bruyere Research Institute
- Panel Chair: Amy Yee, Chief Digital & Business Transformation Officer, Health Standards Organization
- Erin Corston, Executive Lead, National Data Champion Team, First Nations Information Governance Centre
Presentation: Learning from new insights to further improve serving Canadians
- Christine Minas, Executive Director, Office of the Chief Data Officer
Panel: Research Innovation Through Connected Data
How can better connecting data sets from different sources drive research innovation in Canada?
- Carole Jabet, Scientific Director, Fonds de recherche du Québec Santé
- Samira Ahmadi, Customer Engineer, Healthcare AI/Analytics Lead, Google
- Celio Oliveira, Lead Data Scientist, Health Canada
Lunch & Reception
Conference Close
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